Light Protection Tests

In addition to temperature control, some analytes require protection from light to ensure specimen integrity. Mayo Clinic Laboratories provides amber-colored tubes for serum and plasma ( Supply T192) and urine ( Supply T596) specimens. The following tests require specimen light protection.

The following list of tests was accurate on the date updated. Consult the test catalog for current specimen requirements. Click on the column headings to sort the columns.

Last updated 05/10/21

Test ID Test Name
VITC Ascorbic Acid, P
BILIT Bilirubin Total, S
BFBL Bilirubin, BF
BILID Bilirubin, Direct
BILUR Bilirubin, Random, U
BILI3 Bilirubin, S
FBIOT Biotin (Vitamin B7)
FCARO Carotene, Beta
CDP Chlordiazepoxide and metabolite, S
FIBRO FibroTest-ActiTest, S
LIVPR Hepatic Function Panel, S
MTXSG Methotrexate Post Glucarpidase, S
MTHX Methotrexate, S
NBILI Neonatal Bilirubin, S
FNEOS Neopterin, Serum
FNIAC Niacin (Nicotinic Acid)
FPAB Pantothenic Acid (B-5) Bioassay
PNZN Perphenazine (Trilafon)
PBGU Porphobilinogen, QN, Random, U
PQNRU Porphyrins, QN, Random, U
PQNU Porphyrins, QN, U
PTP Porphyrins, Total, P
PLP Pyridoxal 5-Phosphate (PLP), P
VITB2 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), P
TDP Thiamin (Vitamin B1), WB
VITAE Vitamin A and Vitamin E, S
VITAP Vitamin A, S
B6PRO Vitamin B6 Profile (PLP and PA), P
VITE Vitamin E, S